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"Flush Layout" menu option

By “flushing” a layout, the software allows you to empty a job from all its texts, but keeping all its layout characteristics. The result will be an empty job, but with the same number of text lines (although empty), fonts, character heights and characteristics as they were defined for your original job.

The idea behind this function is that when you have created a layout to your satisfaction and you want to recover it for a new job, but with totally (or primarily) different texts, you can open the original job, “flush” its layout, and then start filling it with any new texts you like.


Please note: The options as described below refer to the concept of Multiplates. If you are not familiar with Multiplates, please read the introduction on the Multiplate option first.

Apply Flush to:

  • All Plates: will flush the content of all the plates in the job.
  • All PLates AFTER the selected plate layout: will flush the content of all the plates in the job, with the exception of the plate where your cursor is active and before.
  • Plates within range of plates: allows you to specify the range of plates you want to flush.

Line within range of Lines:

  • Similarly to the “Plates within range of plates” option, this allows you to specify which range of text lines on each plate you want to empty. You will only be able to select or enter a number according to the highest line number. In the first of the two boxes, you need to specify the lowest of the two line numbers.
en/symmetry/option_flush_layout.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/17 10:05 (external edit)